Here are some sites which may be helpful in your personal practice sessions. They may be especially useful for those of us who do not have or play a piano. They each have their advantages and disadvantages but all are better than not doing any work at home.
Cyberbass: is free to use but but sometimes you have to work online as you cannot always download the material. It has the great advantage that it is possible to vary the speed of playing - very useful when first getting to grips with a piece!. It is possible to purchase downloads in MP3 from this site.
Choraline: This rehearsal aid was around a long time before the internet. It is still possible to buy the CDs but there is now an App and the rehearsal material can be downloaded to that. The App is free but you have to pay for the downloads. You just buy your own voice part but the other lines are ghosted in and yours is made prominent. It may be a bit old fashioned but the instructions are very clear and you can start by slowing it down before gradually moving on to full speed. However, the things some like about it are the very things that others dislike, so it’s not for everyone.
John Fletcher: Rehearsal tracks by part for a wide variety of music, but especially for the carols we sing a Christmas. You can register for a free account which applies to music which is out of copyright. For music still in copyright there is a modest subscription.
Choralia: Another free site which uses synthesised sound. Files can be downloaded free in MP3 form but voluntary donations are appreciated.
YouTube: This has most pieces in one form or another, but often includes separate recordings for each part, sometimes with the score on display..
You will not find every piece of music on every site, but this should not be a problem with more well-known items.
Big Ears – the Original Online Ear Training – excellent interactive and fun exercises
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